The Experience for Journalists & Media
Whether you are a journalist, a successful podcaster or an influential mindfulness and healing influencer – when you come to me, the focus is not on introducing something new, it is about you. About your deepest essence.
This is where a process begins that requires courage and a willingness to go deep. You will not only be inspired, but touched – in a way that words cannot often describe.
An exclusive selection of articles and contributions from people who have already worked with me bear witness to this. They tell of personal transformations during a somatic ritual, a silver quartzite meditation, an intensive breathwork session. The results are a liberating lasting impression.
Discretion and absolute privacy are my top priorities. Exclusivity, empathetic warmth and my uncompromising focus on you form the foundation of my work.
As I only accept a limited number of personalities from the press and influencer world each year, the collaboration should be particularly and mutually aligned.
DONNA, Juli 2024
Ein heilsames Erlebnis
….. Dafür kombiniert Kornelia die richtigen Fragen („Was wünschst du dir für deine mentale und körperliche Gesundheit?“) mit behutsamen Berührungen, Meditation und Atemübungen sowie dem Auflegen von Silberquarzitsteinen auf die Haut.
Denn manchmal, so die 49-Jährige, komme man allein durch Kopfarbeit nicht weiter. Die „Silberquarzit Experience“ wirkt ganz unterschiedlich: Manche Teilnehmerin reagiert mit
intensiven Gefühlen. Andere nehmen elektrische Impulse, eine Schwere oder ein Prickeln in Armen und Beinen wahr.
Sessions kann man in Hotels oder als private Einzelstunde buchen.
Lila Fox’s new podcast: Choices
Lila Fox arranges travel and customized experiences for a small list of predominantly American high net worth individuals. In addition to her expertise in travel, photography and writing, she has certifications in yoga and nutritional counselling. In March 2024, she launches her new podcast called Choices, where she interviews various experts in the fields of travel, entrepreneurship, health, culture, spirituality and life.
Lila herself joined Kornelia on a multi-day retreat in January 2024 near the UNESCO Dolomites Heritage.
Further information in the Podcast.
„Kornelia Schwitzer, founder and CEO of SilberQuarzit, has been working in the wellness industry for over 20 years and developed Silberquarzit Ritual, a multi-hour experience that’s the most unique treatment I’ve ever had – and believe me, I’ve tried my fair share. Your session with Kornelia begins with her asking your goals when it comes to your mental and physical health. Perhaps you want to sleep better or have personal distress that you’d like to let go of. You relax with incense, and then she works her magic using quartz stones that she finds in the quarry near where she lives. Get ready to experience muscular or emotional reflexes as the quartz interacts with your body. The more intense they are, according to Kornelia, the more likely it is that you’re getting rid of all the blockages holding you back. This is healing done to another level.“
„Eine Experience, die einen Ausweg aus diesem Hamsterrad verspricht, lerne ich im Charmingplace Charmehotel Friedrich kennen. Schon mehrere Freund*innen aus Südtirol hatten mir von diesem außergewöhnlichen Erlebnis berichtet. Während eines Besuchs im Eggental hatte ich endlich die Gelegenheit!
Kornelia Schwitzer, die Erfinderin und Gründerin der SilberQuarzit Experiences ist höchstpersönlich ins Hotel gekommen, um die Anwendung mit mir durchzuführen.
Vor mir sitzt eine charismatische Persönlichkeit, die mich mit einem herzlichen Lächeln anstrahlt. Sie erklärt mir das Ritual und ich erfahre, dass es ganz individuell auf mich eingestellt sein wird, um eine möglichst effiziente Wirkung zu erzielen. Dafür stellt sie mir gezielte Fragen….“
„Questa pietra primordiale ha un effetto liberatorio: allontana ogni negatività, favorisce il benessere psicofisico e permette di riconnettersi con se stessi.
Capita a tutti, di tanto in tanto, di sentirsi stressati e avere pensieri e preoccupazioni che riempiono la testa e ostacolano il sonno. Senza il giusto riposo però, ci si sente scarichi. Per fare il pieno di energia bisogna ritagliarsi un momento tutto per sé e cercare rifugio in oasi di pace dove staccare la spina e disconnettersi dal mondo esterno. Sono in molti ad appellarsi ai poteri della natura che, con i suoi profumi, colori e suoni ha un effetto riequilibrante e rilassante per corpo e mente. All’interno della Naturellness®Spa del Naturhotel Lüsnerhof ad esempio, immersa ai piedi delle Dolomiti, gli ospiti possono sperimentare trattamenti legati alla tradizione alpina. Tra i protagonisti figura la quarzite argentea – Silberquarzit – una pietra primordiale estratta esclusivamente in Alto Adige che, dato l’elevato contenuto di quarzo, è rinomata per il suo effetto energetico, detossinante e antinfiammatorio. Permette infatti di rilasciare blocchi sia fisici che mentali, ricostruire la propria forza, risvegliare i sensi e rigenerarsi.“